Web interface guidelines
A list of details that make a good web interface
This document outlines a non-exhaustive list of details that make a good (web) interface. It is a living document, periodically updated based on learnings. Some of these may be subjective, but most apply to all websites.
Clicking the input label should focus the input field
Inputs should be wrapped with a `form` to submit by pressing Enter
Inputs should have an appropriate `type` like `password`, `email`, etc.
Inputs should disable `spellcheck` and `autocomplete` attributes most of the time
Inputs should leverage HTML form validation by using the required `attribute` when appropriate
Input prefix and suffix decorations, such as icons, should be absolutely positioned on top of the text input with padding, not next to it, and trigger focus on the input
Toggles should immediately take effect, not require confirmation
Buttons should be disabled after submission to avoid duplicate network requests
Interactive elements should disable `user-select` for inner content
Decorative elements (glows, gradients) should disable `pointer-events` to not hijack events
Interactive elements in a vertical or horizontal list should have no dead areas between each element, instead, increase their `padding`
Fonts should have `--webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased` applied for better legibility
Fonts should have `text-rendering: optimizeLegibility` applied for better legibility
Fonts should be subset based on the content, alphabet or relevant language(s)
Font weight should not change on hover or selected state to prevent layout shift
Font weights below 400 should not be used
Medium sized headings generally look best with a font weight between 500-600
Adjust values fluidly by using CSS `clamp()`, e.g. `clamp(48px, 5vw, 72px)` for the `font-size` of a heading
Tabular figures should be applied with `font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums`, particularly in tables or when layout shifts are undesirable, like in timers
Prevent text resizing in landscape mode on iOS with `--webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%`
Switching themes should not trigger transitions and animations on elements
Animation duration should not be more than 200ms for interactions to feel immediate
Animation values should be proportional to the trigger size:
Don't animate dialog scale in from 0 → 1, fade opacity and scale from ~0.8
Don't scale buttons on press from 1 → 0.8, but ~0.96, ~0.9, or so
Actions that are frequent and low in novelty should avoid extraneous animations:
Opening a right click menu
Deleting or adding items from a list
Hovering trivial buttons
Looping animations should pause when not visible on the screen to offload CPU and GPU usage
Use `scroll-behavior: smooth` for navigating to in-page anchors, with an appropriate offset
Hover states should not be visible on touch press, use `@media (hover: hover)`
Font size for inputs should not be smaller than 16px to prevent iOS zooming on focus
Inputs should not auto focus on touch devices as it will open the keyboard and cover the screen
Apply `muted` and `playsinline` to `video` tags to auto play on iOS
Disable `touch-action` for custom components that implement pan and zoom gestures to prevent interference from native behavior like zooming and scrolling
Disable the default iOS tap highlight with `--webkit-tap-hightlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)`, but always replace it with an appropriate alternative
Large `blur()` values for `filter` and `backdrop-filter` may be slow
Scaling and blurring filled rectangles will cause banding, use radial gradients instead
Sparingly enable GPU rendering with `transform: translateZ(0)` for unperformant animations
Toggle `will-change` on unperformant scroll animations for the duration of the animation
Auto-playing too many videos on iOS will choke the device, pause or even unmount off-screen videos
Bypass React's render lifecycle with refs for real-time values that can commit to the DOM directly
Detect and adapt to the hardware and network capabilities of the user's device
Disabled buttons should not have tooltips, they are not accessible
Box shadow should be used for focus rings, not outline which won’t respect radius
Focusable elements in a sequential list should be deletable with ⌘ Backspace
To open immediately on press, dropdown menus should trigger on `mousedown`, not click
Use a svg favicon with a style tag that adheres to the system theme based on `prefers-color-scheme`
Icon only interactive elements should define an explicit `aria-label`
Tooltips triggered by hover should not contain interactive content
Images should always be rendered with `img` for screen readers and ease of copying from the right click menu
Illustrations built with HTML should have an explicit `aria-label` instead of announcing the raw DOM tree to people using screen readers
Gradient text should unset the gradient on `::selection` state
When using nested menus, use a "prediction cone" to prevent the pointer from accidentally closing the menu when moving across other elements.
Optimistically update data locally and roll back on server error with feedback
Authentication redirects should happen on the server before the client loads to avoid janky URL changes
Style the document selection state with `::selection`
Display feedback relative to its trigger:
Show a temporary inline checkmark on a successful copy, not a notification
Highlight the relevant input(s) on form error(s)
Empty states should prompt to create a new item, with optional templates